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zeroCt removes analytical runs for isotope ratios that contain zero counts.


zeroCt(.IC, .ion1, .ion2, ..., .N = NULL, .species = NULL, .warn = TRUE)



A tibble containing processed ion count data.


A character string constituting the rare isotope ("13C").


A character string constituting the common isotope ("12C").


Variables for grouping.


A variable constituting the ion counts.


A variable constituting the species analysed.


A logical indicating whether to produce a warning.


A tibble containing the single ion count dataset for the specified ion ratio. The grouping variable specifies on which level the original dataset is subsetted.


This functions removes analytical runs with zero counts for calculating isotope ratios.


# Use point_example() to access the examples bundled with this package

# raw data containing 13C and 12C counts on carbonate
tb_rw <- read_IC(point_example("2018-01-19-GLENDON"))

# Processing raw ion count data
tb_pr <- cor_IC(tb_rw)

# Remove analyses with zero counts
tb_pr <- zeroCt(tb_pr, "13C", "12C", file.nm)