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read_IC() is designed to obtain the numerical data associated with ion counts and minimal set meta-data. read_meta() can be used to specifically retrieve the meta date associated with ion count data analysis, thereby loading specifications related to the optics, the primary and secondary ion beams, and the mass spectrometer.


read_IC(directory, meta = FALSE, hide = TRUE)




A path or connection to a directory containing raw ion count data txt files.


Logical indicating whether to include full meta-data.


Logical indicating whether metadata is included as columns FALSE or as an attribute of the tibble TRUE.


A tibble::tibble containing raw ion count data and metadata.


Ion count data consists of time-incremented integer values. These functions are currently only supported for data generated by a NanoSIMS50L. Raw ion count data and accompanying is extracted and collated into a single tibble from text files with the extensions .is_txt .chk_is and .stat, respectively. These files can be found in the directories associated with the SIMS measurements.


# Use point_example() to access the examples bundled with this package

#> # A tibble: 81,900 × 4
#>    file.nm                 t.nm species.nm
#>    <chr>                  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>     
#>  1 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  0.54 12040 12C       
#>  2 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  1.08 11950 12C       
#>  3 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  1.62 12100 12C       
#>  4 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  2.16 11946 12C       
#>  5 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  2.7  12178 12C       
#>  6 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  3.24 12114 12C       
#>  7 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  3.78 12147 12C       
#>  8 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  4.32 12092 12C       
#>  9 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  4.86 12024 12C       
#> 10 2018-01-19-GLENDON_1_1  5.4  12045 12C       
#> # … with 81,890 more rows