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cor_yield function to correct counting bias related to EM Yield. cor_DT function to correct counting bias related to deadtime


cor_yield(x = NULL, mean_PHD, SD_PHD, thr_PHD, output = "ct")

cor_DT(x, deadtime)



A numeric vector containing raw ion count data.


A numeric vector containing the mean PHD value.


A numeric vector containing the standard deviation of the PHD.


A numeric value for the disrcriminator threshold of the EM system.


Character string indicating whether to return corrected count rates ("ct") or yield value ("Y").


A numeric value for the dead-time of the EM system with units nanoseconds.


A numeric vector with the corrected count rates.


The accuracy of pulsed ion counting is influenced by systematic errors which depend on the ion counting system. Deadtime and EM yield are two prominent effects for the electron multiplier systems. The deadtime refer to the timewindow when the system does not register counts; this occurs when incident ions strike the EM in a small enough time window in which the EM channel is electronically paralysed. The EM yield is the ratio between the number of output pulses counted after the EM discriminator threshold and the number of ions arriving at the EM. The latter can be gauged with the peak height distribution (PHD) which is the probability for an EM output to have a certain voltage amplitude.


# Original count rate of a chemical species
x <- 30000

# Corrected count rate for EM Yield with a threshold of 50 V
cor_yield(x, mean_PHD = 210, SD_PHD = 60, thr_PHD = 50)
#> [1] 30007.95

# Corrected count rate for a deadtime of 44 ns
cor_DT(x, 44)
#> [1] 30039.65