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This function aids filtering of NOAA datasets.


filter_NOAA(NOAA, depth = 0, coord = NULL, epsg = NULL, fuzzy = 0)



Dataset of the NOAA World Ocean Atlas (with get_NOAA()).


Depth in meters


List with named elements, matrix with dimnames, or simple feature geometry list column: lon for longitude in degrees, and lat for latitude in degrees.


Coordinate reference number.


If no values are returned, fuzzy uses a buffer area around the point to extract values from adjacent grid cells. The fuzzy argument is supplied in units of kilometer (great circle distance).


Either a stars object or sf dataframe.


This function helps filtering relevant data from NOAA World Ocean Atlas 3D arrays (longitude, latitude, and depth) which have been stored with get_NOAA(). An 2D stars object is returned if only providing a depth. An sf object is returned, when further providing coordinates, as a list (e.g. list(lon = -120, lat = 12)), a matrix (e.g. cbind(lon = -120, lat = 12)), or an sf object with POINT geometries. In the latter case it is import to follow the GeoJSON conventions for the order in sf vectors with x (lon = longitude) followed by y (lat = latitude).


if (interactive()) {

# get atlas
NOAAatlas <- get_NOAA("oxygen", 1, "annual")

# filter atlas for specific depth and coordinate location
filter_NOAA(NOAAatlas, 30, list(lon = c(-160, -120), lat =  c(11, 12)))
